Intake September 2023

Croeso i bawb / Welcome to all,

Here at St Anthony's Primary we are still accepting applications from children who are going to be 3 or 4 years old on or before 31st August 2023.

If you have a child who is 3 years old on or before 31-08-23, you can apply for a part-time Nursery place.

If you have a child who is 4 years old on or before 31-08-23, you can apply for a full-time Reception place.

You can apply directly to the school or via Flintshire County Council.

We accept applications from children living in England and Wales (as we are one the border) and from faith and non-faith families.

Both Nursery and Reception children are able to arrive at school anytime from 7.50a.m. through our Breakfast Club, or from 8.45a.m. via the gate/yard entrance. Nursery finishes at 11.30a.m. and Reception finishes at 3.15p.m.

There is a After School Club open until 5.30pm for full-time children to access if needed. 

Every child matters & every child is an individual with personal learning needs. Here at St Anthony's we are FULLY Inclusive and through our Mission Statement cater for all children from every walk of life.

'Learning & Growing Together with Jesus'

Please feel free to contact the school for any information and/or a prospectus/application pack. 



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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

High Street, Saltney,

Chester CH4 8SG

Tel: 01244 680 480

Email: [email protected]