Year 5 and 6 2024 - 2025

Mrs Gibbons

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a lovely Summer. Children have settled back into our class routines well. 


Year 5 and 6 are taught by Mrs Gibbons, Mr Williams and Miss Franco. Mrs Jones and Miss Penlington will also be in class to support children. 


Our school topic for this term is Space. 



Swimming will start tomorrow, Tuesday 10th September. Children will have 12 sessions in total, the last one being December 3rd. Please ensure your child remembers their kit and a towel. The payment is £3.50 per week payable via school gateway. 

Swimming lessons are a part of their curriculum therefore all pupils should be taking part unless there is a valid medical reason.

PE / Forest School

September to October 25th

Up until half term PE will be on a Friday. Could children please come to school in their PE kits. 

PE is a plain white or red t-shirt with black shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings and trainers. On your child’s PE day please remember to remove or cover earrings with plasters, before they come into school. Long hair should also be tied back. 

4th November – Christmas break

After half term Year 5 and 6 will be in Forest School on a Friday. Children should come to school in old clothes suitable for outdoors with wellies or old trainers. Children will need a spare pair of shoes to wear in the classroom. 



Reading is one of the most important skills children can have. Please encourage your child to read at home as much as possible.  


Spellings / Word Work

Please encourage your child to go over their spellings at home ready to be tested in school. New spelling or word work will be sent home once a week. 



Breaktime snacks MUST be a fruit or vegetable. You can provide your own or it can be purchased from school. The cost is 30p per day and is only payable through school gateway – no cash alternative. The minimum payment is set at £1.50 this will cover 5 days. The layout is similar to breakfast club where you can pay and book the days you want. Snack registers will be printed daily to show us who has ordered their playtime snack which they can get from the fruit trolley.


Medication / Allergies

Please send in any medication in a clearly labelled small sandwich style box or resealable bag. Please inform us of any allergies. 


Please feel free to email about anything you are unsure or concerned about.


Email addresses are: 

[email protected] 

[email protected] 


Many thanks, 


Year 5 and 6 Staff



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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

High Street, Saltney,

Chester CH4 8SG

Tel: 01244 680 480

Email: [email protected]