Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing at St Anthony's and beyond.

Health and wellbeing refers to mental, emotional, physical and lifestyle health.

At St Anthony's we regularly work on the 5 ways to wellbeing, 5 simple steps we can all do everyday to support our overall health and wellbeing. We believe that supporting a child's overall wellbeing in school, will enable them to feel happy, safe and supported enough to get the best from their learning. There are many ways we support the health and wellbeing of all our pupils. In this section you will find lots of information regarding what we offer in school. Additionally, there is lots of useful information for parents and guardians.



A programme that aims to facilitate understanding of emotions, self awareness and skills in self regulation and managing relationships.

Please follow the link for more information.

Friends Resilience

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Emotional Literacy Support Assistant.

Our school ELSA is Miss Crocombe


We are lucky to be based in a partner area for this means all courses are pre-paid and totally free for our families based locally to access. All online so you can fit them in at a time that suits you. There are many courses to choose from, some of which are listed below.

Use code NWSOL.

(E)Solihull Approach all courses with QR Code.png


Your child’s brain is amazing!

It’s constantly growing and making new connections. When you play, listen and talk with your little one, you help them learn to talk and give them the best start in life. The Talk With Me website has lots of tools, tips and advice to help you get your little one talking.

The little things you do with them will make a big difference, now and in their future. Click the link below to see all that is available.

Student Login

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

High Street, Saltney,

Chester CH4 8SG

Tel: 01244 680 480

Email: [email protected]